Key takeways from Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2023 report of World Economic Forum 世界快讯

  • 商洛在线
  • 2023-06-28 13:51:55
  • 来源:Xinhua


TIANJIN, June 27 (Xinhua) -- From AI-enabled healthcare delivery to flexible batteries powering wearable medical devices, the Summer Davos Forum, currently underway in Tianjin, North China, has released a report listing new technologies poised to positively impact the world within the next three to five years.

The report showcases revolutionary technologies including AI-enabled healthcare, flexible batteries powering wearable medical devices and neural-interfacing circuits. Additionally, it delves into engineered viruses for enhancing health and generative AI capable of creating original content.

Join us to take a look at the emerging technologies and explore their projected impact on lives and livelihoods in the years ahead.


Planners: Liu Hongde, Shao Xiangyun

Supervisors: He Xianfeng, Mao Zhenhua, Li Kun

Journalists: Yin Siyuan, Zhang Yuqi, Tao Yiping

Editors: Xu An, Hang Zebo

